Launch Party...

“Where imagination gets graphic!”
This week’s blog post isn’t really a blog, it’s a shameless plug for my new project, UpperCasey Design….
My first career after college was in advertising, back in the days when we did all the layout by hand, with wax and rollers and scalpels. I loved it, and I was proud of the work I did and the campaigns I designed. But, eventually, my life changed and I traded in my shiny shoes for workboots and the joys of the great outdoors, working as a landscaper and renovator.
I never gave up on my art, though, and sculpture and photography have allowed me to stay creative, no matter what work I was pursuing during the day. Regular readers will know that photography has also allowed me to get attention for the environmental issues that I care about deeply. I’ve found happiness and peace on trips into the wilderness to photograph our beautiful country and its lakes and rivers.
Now, I’m acting on a dream I’ve had for a long time: I want to share my art and design skills with people and businesses who need my help. I’m excited to be launching UpperCasey Design and I can’t wait to get started on your new website!
I’m not doing it all alone: a picture is worth a thousand words, but words can paint pictures, and I’ll be working with a talented and enthusiastic writer and editor, Gillian Rodgerson (
Together, we have everything you need to give your business a fresh new image.
We’re having a launch with a sneak preview of our site on Saturday night, October 24th, at 7.30pm, in the upstairs gallery at Glad Day Bookshop, 598A Yonge St, just north of Wellesley. A selection of my photographs of the Great Lakes, “Water,” is up in the gallery until the end of the month. Art by Devin, food by Gillian. Come and join us!